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Workshops & Keynotes for Students, Teachers and Parents

Harvie about page

The World Deserves Your Gift

You should think about your dreams all the time. Enough that it makes your stomach hurt. Everyone should have this burn.  This desire to be more, to do more. It should and can overwhelm you.  It will become your power, your light, and energy.  Knowing why you are here makes you a light.  A light that will inspire others around you to do and want more. 
I want to help remove doubt from your mind. Maybe, just maybe, one of my videos or something I say will inspire you. You were not just born to live.  You were born to create, inspire and help make this world a better place.  You were born for greatness, we all are.

​Sometimes​ we just need a little push in the in the right direction. 

Keynote Topics


Bullying/ Self Esteem
Dream Building
Handling Adversity


Going After Your Dreams
Peak Performance


Emphatic Listening
Personality Profiles
Raising An Athlete
Growing Up Without A Parent
Difference Between Dreams & Gifts

Past Schools

Harvie coaching high school football pic
Student reaction shot
College speaking pic

What A Typical Day Looks Like During A Workshop

9 am: 45 minute Keynote with students
Lunch time leadership with your teachers and administrators (creating a positive & Uplifting environment)
After lunch Q & A Small groups with students that may have questions.
After School: 45 minute DISC  work shops with teachers and administrators.
I will also offer a 30 minute work shop on leadership with all athletes.

Harvie In Action


Book Harvie For Your Next Event While Space Is Available

Give your organization or institutions the message
they need to perform at the highest levels!

Travels From Iowa

Fee: Varies Per Event

Flexible Terms

Contact Harvie Today!

Currently booking events for the 2023 season!